Hwaider Lin
Ph.D. Candidate at Northeastern University.
Research Associate at Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems Research Center (TANMS)
Email: lin.hw@husky.neu.edu
Hwaider Lin received several awards such as the Northeastern University Outstanding Graduate Student Award (in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering) in 2018 which is the highest honor in Northeastern and ECE Department Distinguished Research Assistant Award in 2017. He has been working on designing, fabricating, and testing experience in RF microwave projects funded by different agencies, like NSF ERC, DARPA, AFOSR on topics such as multiferroic devices, NEMS magnetoelectric antennas, NEMS magnetoelectric tunable bandpass filters, integrated non-reciprocal tunable bandpass filters, circular polarization antennas, phase shifters, isolators, circulators, and RFID system.
Hwaider has been doing research in NSF ERC Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems (TANMS) since 2015 and has achieved great progress especially in magnetoelectric antennas and excited the whole multiferroics research society in this field. He had the first successful demonstration of ME antennas, which was published in Nature Communications and was widely cited in different news media, including Nature, Science, news in different websites and newspapers in different languages, TV interview, etc. This paper has also led to a patent that is being pursued at Northeastern University. Besides the widespread in different news media, a new patent application, this paper also led to strong funding interests from different funding agencies, different companies, and venture capital firms, etc.
Hwaider has given 22 oral presentations at international conferences during his Ph.D. study and has published over 22 papers, including high-quality research papers in Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Appl. Phys. Lett., and high-quality conferences such as IMS (International Microwave Symposium), etc.